
Mind the Gap

“Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life”. Epictetus (Enchiridion) Over the years, through my mindfulness training and practice, I become more aware of the gap.  This gap is the space…

taster compassion

Compassion – A Free Taster Session

THURSDAY 1st April @7pm With CHODEN Find out more about this Level 2 Course as we bring compassion practices into our MIndfulness. Level 2: We learn to respond to ourselves and others with Compassion ARE YOU READY TO TAKE YOUR MINDFULNESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL? COURSE DETAILS: Tutors: Choden and Jacky Seery Dates: 1-2 May 2021 and…

easter online practice days


Join Any or All of our Soothing and Nourishing Easter Practice Days from the 2-5 April Time to unwind, time to nurture, time for compassion and time for mindfulness. Time for yourself to relax, destress and recharge. Topics include, LOTUS HEART: Friday 2nd April 2021 10am – 4pm Led By Fay Adams Begin your Easter…


Practice Day 7th March

BELONGING – An online Practice Day with Fay Adams 10am – 4pm Join Fay Adams this Sunday 7th March On this retreat day we will invite ourselves home. Externally we are all ‘staying at home’ so this is a perfect time to find our home in the present moment, in our heart and body, held…


Mindfulness Association Conference Announced

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Mindfulness Association’s Mindfulness in Action Conference which will be delivered online from the 24th – 27th June 2021. After months of preparation we are now able to share with you what Kristine and the team have planned for this unique and important collaborative event. The theme for…