BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv7.15.0//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:Mindfulness Association X-WR-CALDESC:Being Present | Responding with Compassion | Seeing Deeply REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20240927T180000Z DTEND:20240929T140000Z DTSTAMP:20230523T100200Z CREATED:20230523 LAST-MODIFIED:20240906 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:2 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:Compassionate Imagery for Resilience DESCRIPTION:\nCompassionate Imagery for Resilience (Samye Ling and Online)\nThis weekend is for people with some experience in mindfulness, who feel they may benefit from more (self)compassion in their life.\nThe ability to meet ourselves with care in the midst of life’s challenges and find an inner resilience, is one that we can practice and train. Research ( ) shows that self compassion is a much stronger indicator of a feeling of well-being and self-worth than self-confidence, which tends to go up and down depending on external circumstances. Self compassion – both in its caring, tender form as well as in its fierce, protective form – can become the reliable support to help keep a more even keel or at least bounce back quicker from the challenges we encounter around and inside us. But for that to become the case, we need to ‘weave our parachute’ over time, and we can do that through tried and tested compassionate imagery practices.\nThis weekend will look at why and how imagery practices work and introduce a range of imagery practices that we can try out together, and look at how practising self compassion influences our compassion for others too. We can explore any obstacles that arise and leave the beautiful and nourishing space of Samye Ling with a new or strengthened tool in our rucksack.\n\nMessage from the tutor:\nTeachings on compassion and practices of compassionate imagery have made a real difference in my life. I used to have a very harsh self-critic, and while that tendency is still there, it usually doesn’t take long before I can access a more helpful response. The practices that are on the menu in this weekend are varied and potent, and it’s been a delight to both introduce people to new ways of meeting themselves with kindness, as well as see people connect with practices they’d tried before but that for some reason hadn’t ‘clicked’ yet. I’d love to discover how the experience of this weekend could make a difference for your sense of resilience!\n\n \n \nThis weekend is suitable for people with some mindfulness experience. It would also be relevant for people who have already done the Level 2 – Responding with Compassion ( ) course, as a refresher as well as an opportunity to deepen your experience of compassionate imagery practice focused on resilience.\n\n\n\nTutor: Kristine Mackenzie-Janson and Catherine Ashby\nDates: 27-29 September 2024\nPrice: £165.00 including manual\nTimes: 19.00-20.30pm on the Friday evening (after soup at 18.00pm) in-between 8.00am and 20.00pm on the Saturday and in-between 8.00am and 15.00pm on Sunday.\nBooking: To book this course please contact ( )\nLocation: Online via Zoom or at Samye Ling ( )\nIf attending in person please book your accommodation and meals for the weekend directly with Samye Ling by emailing They will need to know the dates that you would like to stay, what room you would like (please click here ( ) to see the room types and prices), your name, and the name of the second person if you are booking a twin room, your address, phone number and preferred email address for the booking. No room bookings can currently be made via the Samye Ling website.\n\n URL: CATEGORIES:Featured – Grid,Latest Courses,Online Courses,Retreats,Weekend Specials LOCATION:Samye Ling or Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR