BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv7.15.0//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:Mindfulness Association X-WR-CALDESC:Being Present | Responding with Compassion | Seeing Deeply REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20250116T190000Z DTEND:20250327T201500Z DTSTAMP:20240610T104600Z CREATED:20240610 LAST-MODIFIED:20240906 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:6 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:The Wonder Of The Everyday 2 DESCRIPTION:6 Week Online Course on Mindfulness, Light-heartedness and Gratitude in Daily Life\nwith Fay Adams\nLive sessions on Zoom bi-weekly on Thursday evenings 7pm – 8.15pm:\nLive sessions- Thursdays bi-weekly on the 16th January, 30th January, 13th February, 27th February, 13th March and 27th March 2025\nPrice £132.00 for non-members and £88.00 for MA members. MA Members please contact ( ) for the booking link. To learn more about our membership please click here. ( )\nIn the Wonder of the Everyday 1 ( ) we discovered that if we practice mindfulness in our daily moments, it can teach us how to reimagine and embrace the life we have to find wonder in the simple things. In the Wonder of the Everyday 2, we will build on this approach and take a creative look at how to find more joy and contentment without having to get somewhere else, tidy everything up, or achieve a perfect equilibrium.\n \n‘After feeling awe, volunteers become less worried about personal concerns and goals.\nInstead in study after study they describe themselves as feeling more connected to other people and the world.’\nJo Marchant, broadcaster\n\n‘Frankly, when you see the earth from that vantage point, we look ridiculous. We look like we have our priorities completely backwards,\nlike we’re locked into our myopic view, and we’re missing the beauty of the much, much bigger picture’.\nRon Garren, former NASA astronaut\n \nDo you live too much of your life pushing to get things done, tidy everything up, or achieve a perfect equilibrium?\nDo you feel like you’re always reaching for something better? A better life, a better you, to feel better, get a better house/job/partner/retirement?\nWhat if the sheer fact of our presence were enough for at least some moments of the day? What if the wonder of being alive were enough? Now is the only time we have to learn to live the way we long to live and to experience the wonder of this world.\nWe’re living in a culture which highly values productivity and achievement and this inevitably gets under our skin. It shows up as tension, stress an inability to rest and a feeling that something’s not right. Many of us live daily in the story of ‘there’s not enough time.’\nFollowing the Wonder of the Everyday 1, this course offers a light-hearted yet profound way to reimagine where you are, here in this moment in the journey of your life. When we look around with fresh eyes of appreciation, life sparkles back at us and reveals its wonder and beauty.\nThemes of the Wonder of the Everyday 2:\n\nLooking to where we can find wonder and awe.\n\nThe science of awe tells us that if we can encourage this emotion we will feel the ‘small self phenomenon’, where we literally experience ourselves as smaller but more connected to our wider surroundings. This has many wonderful effects on us.\n\nExploring how we relate to time.\n\nMany contemplative traditions allude to an eternal now, a state of flow in moment by moment being that is the foundation of wellbeing and joy. Let’s see if we can demystify this idea and bring it down to earth into the realness of our own day to day.\n \nMore of what to expect in the Wonder of the Everyday 2:\n\nRediscover the lost moments that we skim over in busyness or autopilot, and mine them for the gold they hold.\n\n \n\nTurn your walks, even if they’re just to and from the car, into awe walks\n\n \n\nDeliberately organise an awe experience for yourself\n\n \n\nExperiment with mindful morning routines and compassionate evening routines without taking much extra time.\n\n \n\nEngage more mindfully with what you enjoy whether it’s a hobby, nature, art, music, exercise, spending time with friends, family, colleagues or talking to strangers and watch your mindful intentions change your way of being and relating.\n\n \n\nExplore what gets in the way of being present – is it busyness, needing to feel productive, loneliness, the self-critic or being hooked on technology?\n\n \n\nEngage with your longings and take them as a pathway to walk along towards fulfilment.\n\n \n\nLearn to notice the tiny acts of love that really can be found all around (despite the cliché!).\n\nIncluding:\n\n8 specially pre-recorded videos of around 30 minutes\n6 ten minute long guided daily life audio practices\n6 live online group meetings\nTutor available for email/phone support throughout the course\nWeekly worksheets and handouts (optional)\n\n \nPraise for Wonder of the Everyday 1:\n‘’I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to move their practice off the mat and into every area of their life.’’\n‘’A huge thank you to Fay for providing the safe and welcoming space and careful and calm guidance. The sessions were a beautiful space in which to explore the wonders of the world around us.’’\n‘’Fay is an excellent teacher with good communication and lots of pearls of wisdom. She facilitates you on your journey of self-understanding.’’\n URL: CATEGORIES:Conference,Latest Courses,Mindfulness for Life,Online Courses LOCATION:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR