BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv7.15.0//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:Mindfulness Association X-WR-CALDESC:Being Present | Responding with Compassion | Seeing Deeply REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20241024T180000Z DTEND:20241205T191500Z DTSTAMP:20190828T165900Z CREATED:20190828 LAST-MODIFIED:20240910 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:10 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:Advanced Inquiry Skills – Mastering Not Knowing DESCRIPTION:This course is for teachers of mindfulness.\nTutor: Fay Adams \nDates: 24th October, 7th November, 21st November and 5th December 2024.\nTimes: 7pm – 8.15pm on a Thursday evening\nLocation: Online via Zoom\n \n\n\n\n‘Do you ever try to solve a sunset?’ Kelly Wilson\n\n\nWould you like to become more confident and skilled at inquiry?\n\nInquiry is the area of teaching that mindfulness teachers are most concerned about. Inquiry can sometimes feel tricky and uncomfortable! During this course, we’ll be establishing a toolkit for you to turn to during inquiry, especially for those occasional challenging moments.\nThis course will enhance inquiry skills by:\n\nClarifying our understanding of the process of inquiry\nPractising trust of the process and inner compass\n\nInquiry asks a lot of us, but as we learn and practise,\nwe’ll discover that we have what it takes. \nOur embodiment of presence is itself the facilitator of the wisdom,\nkindness and delicacy needed to navigate inquiry-based dialogue. \nWe will cover topics and difficulties commonly experienced by teachers of mindfulness including:\n\nstruggling with wanting to fix a participant\nmoving too quickly to teaching points\ncontaining the inquiry and keeping it on track\nresponding to emotional expression\nknowing when to deepen the enquiry and when to leave space\nawareness of ‘triggering’ and how it might manifest\nbalancing an individual inquiry whilst taking care of the group as a whole.\n\n\nThroughout the course we will be working together as a group as well as working within smaller peer groups.  We will address the concerns raised around inquiry through a mix of inner exploration, contemplative and instructive teachings, discussion and shared experience.\nWe will explore how we are with ‘trusting emergence’ and letting go of expertise in favour of meeting the moment with bare attention.\nWe will reflect on how it is to compassionately witness another and find ways to stay at home, and grounded, within our body/heart. Most of all we will enjoy the wonder of being part of each other’s moments of insight, as we explore the power of inquiry together.\nPast participant comments:\n‘Thank you for a wonderful course. The content and exercises were excellent…I do feel I’m much more confident in facilitating inquiry because of the course.’ Katherine Michaelis\n‘I have found it really stimulating and enriching, of my practice, teaching and intellectually. Top CPD!’ Alison Gear\n‘The structure of the course was fantastic – and the mix between all elements right down to the summary question at the end made it such a huge learning experience. The peer sessions were also invaluable.’ Anonymous\nThis course will be composed of:\n\n4 bi-weekly online meetings as a group facilitated by Fay Adams (75 minutes each)\nShort video contemplations (20-30 mins) on embodiment of the following as an enquirer: Deep Listening, Not Knowing, Appreciation of Essential Goodness, Authenticity, Compassionate Mess, Curiosity\n4 peer meetings online in groups of three (1 hour each)\nA short reflective written piece to be submitted (1 page)\nWeekly reflection questions and journaling\n\n‘…inquiry is a dynamic engagement that needs to be open and open-ended, minute to minute, instant to instant.’ A. H. Almaas\n \nTo book this course, please contact ( ) for the booking link.\n\n\nThis course is a stand-alone CPD course for mindfulness/compassion teachers at all stages.\nFor more on the power of inquiry check out Fay’s inquiry blog HERE ( )\nA certificate of completion will be given at the end of the course. This course counts as Continuing Professional Development (CPD).\n\nTHIS COURSE WAS PREVIOUSLY CALLED THE FUNDAMENTALS OF INQUIRY\n\n URL: CATEGORIES:Continuing Professional Development,Latest Courses,Online Courses LOCATION:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR