Comments on: Liberation From Our Fear Being Present | Responding with Compassion | Seeing Deeply Tue, 30 Apr 2024 13:00:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Whitehead Wed, 16 Nov 2016 18:19:09 +0000 Hi Heather

Thank-you so much for this week’s blog – it really resonated and is perfect for me this week.

As well as undertaking the mindfulness teacher training programme, I am involved in various ways in trying to bring mindfulness practice to the Civil Service, and to my own dept – nothing like aiming for the stars!

This week, I’ve also had a setback in terms of an external partnership which I felt might really help move things on which has been knocked back, for what I consider a trivial reason. Like you, I thought I might be devastated by this, but actually, having sat with my initial disappointment, I now feel relief. I realise that a lot of the anxiety I have been feeling about projects that may, or may not take off, is often in the hands of other people. The decision has caused me to sit back, and realise that all I can do is what I can do in relation to developing my personal practice and studies, and see what arises. Whilst we have big ambitions for the Civil Service, I will play my part, but if there are setbacks, these do not rest on my shoulders.

I love the lines from the poem, and can hear you saying the “Shine” line with a big smile on your face – this will surely carry me through the rest of the week Heather!

Stay warm and cosy, and let the light shine on you and yours as well.
